Prevention against sexualised discrimination and violence in university sports
In 2015, a guideline on dealing with sexualised discrimination and violence was developed at Freie Universität Berlin. It states:
"Within its area of responsibility, Freie Universität Berlin ... shall ensure that people's personal rights and their individual personal boundaries are respected and maintained."As university sports, we are convinced that mindful and respectful cooperation is the prerequisite for experiencing joint sporting success and enjoying exercise.
University sport offers a variety of places to meet and joint activities. The emotionality and physicality of sport and movement are of great importance and often make up the attractiveness of this field of activity. On the other hand, the physical and emotional closeness in sport also offers the danger of violent assaults.
As part of our prevention work, we want to create a culture:
sensitise, inform, call for looking and listening and encourage joint active action against discrimination & sexualised violence in university sport.
We use the DOSB (German Olympic Sports Confederation) step-by-step model as a basis for implementing the minimum standards for prevention measures. Since 2020, we have publicly positioned ourselves against all forms of discrimination and violence, and our mission statement stands for respectful interaction with each other:
Code of Conduct:
All persons and cooperation partners working for university sport have to sign a declaration of commitment since the winter semester 22/23. The "Code of Conduct" is obligatory for our course instructors. Download -
Use of the extended certificate of good conduct:
Persons who are employed within the framework of our family sports offers must present an extended certificate of good conduct. -
In November 2022, a sensitisation training for the full-time staff has already taken place. In the future, the offer is to be extended to course leaders. -
Creating thematic visibility:
Posters with QR codes are displayed in our sports facilities to guide affected persons to the right internal and external contact points and to encourage them to report sexualised discrimination and violence. Evaluations on the well-being of the participants take place regularly. -
Complaint management:
All full-time staff are informed on how to deal with complaints and will proceed systematically.
Confidential persons
If you have experienced violations of boundaries, discrimination and/or sexualised violence in university sport, you can contact our confidants by e-mail ( at any time. You will receive a response within 2 working days.
Your concern will be treated confidentially, we are bound to secrecy and will not pass on any information to others without your express consent.
You also have the possibility to report incidents (also anonymously) via our form.
Janine Krüger | Alexander Scholl
After you have contacted us by e-mail or we have heard your concerns through a first point of contact, we will get back to you with a proposal for a meeting. Depending on the Corona rules and your wishes, this can take place in person or on the phone.
In the first meeting we record your concerns and wishes in writing. Initially, only the counsellor has access to the recorded data. Then you decide how to proceed.
As persons of trust, we are trained in the basics of sexualised violence, how to act in case of suspicion and how to deal with victims.
We guarantee that your case will be documented and remain confidential.
As we are not professional trauma/sex therapists or psychologists, we see ourselves as the first point of contact for clarifying internal conflicts, supporting those seeking advice and, if necessary, referring them to external authorities.
We cannot guarantee the exclusion of people from the sports programme or similarly drastic measures, especially after the first discussion, without first speaking to the parties involved and seeking advice ourselves.
If you feel the need to take action after an initial conversation with us, we will then also talk about how anonymity and possibilities for action fit together.
In order to uncover perpetrators and possible strategies, we exchange cases anonymously as confidants. No names or details that could point to a case are mentioned.
Counselling at Freie Universität Berlin
Zentraleinrichtung Studienberatung und Psychologische Beratung
for members of the FU Berlin, students and employees | confidential, anonymous on request
Geschäftsführung der Arbeitsgruppe Gegen Sexualisierte Belästigung, Diskriminierung und Gewalt
for all members, associates and guests of Freie Universität Berlin | confidential, anonymous on request
Zentrale Frauen- und Gleichstellungsbeauftragte
for all women at the FU Berlin & persons who have experienced discrimination due to their gender identity | confidential, anonymous on request
Stabsstelle Sozialberatung
for all employees of the FU Berlin | confidential
Beratungsangebot des Schwulenreferats für Schwule, Bisexuelle und Trans*Personen
for gays, bisexuals and trans* persons | confidential, anonymous on request
Frauen*beratung des AStA
for students and employees who do not identify as cis-male | confidential, anonymous on request
External counselling centres
Hilfetelefon Gewalt gegen Frauen
The "Violence against Women" helpline is a nationwide counselling service for women who have experienced or are still experiencing violence. Relatives, friends and professionals are also advised anonymously and free of charge. Victims of violence of all nationalities, with and without disabilities, are advised 365 days a year, around the clock, at the number 08000 116 016 and via online counselling.
FRIEDA-Beratungszentrum für Frauen*
Support in cases of (cyber-)stalking
Help for women after rape, sexual assault and sexual harassment, counselling by phone and in person, legal counselling by lawyers, mobile counselling for refugee women.